As a high school senior, I both worry about and look forward to what many describe as the best years of their lives: college. This podcast is a speed round Q&A where I discuss high school life and my expectations for college while my mentor talks about her college experience.
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That Feels
Just Published Podcasts
Saved By The Bell (HS Edition): Extracurriculars

My podcast is part of a series where I, an upperclassman, will give high school advice to underclassmen.
The Secret of Cooking
My mentor and I were in Grand Central Station when it hit me that I should share my culinary journey and the reasons I enjoy cooking. I shared my idea with Caroline and she loved it. We decided to start with a script, then use Anchor to record. After countless edits, my script was ready to be recorded. I thought the recording and editing would be easy, but it wasn’t. I had to record and edit multiple times before I got the content I wanted. When I checked the box “record podcast” on my agenda, I felt accomplished and ready to take on the world.