Our Love

I wrote “Our Love” to try and replicate what it feels like to be in a loveless relationship.

Our love is like the sun
it’s magical
it provides joy to earth’s organisms
giving life to those who experience its rays
it’s also blazing
its burns aren’t immediate
it’s barely noticeable
Our love can be described
as something that boils.
I leave my struggles to fester in the pot.
It slowly increases in heat,
as the fear of rejection bubbles inside of me
until it eventually becomes
too hot for me to handle.
And you’re the moon
you’re distant
you deny ever wanting to have me
Yet your light comes from
the love that powers our star
Though I still try and love you from afar
even if I’m starting to notice
that my efforts are in vain
Our love is the sun
and you’re the moon.
But I am the ocean
Every day I frantically try and reach you
Causing the tides to crash as I try to fight my fear
and finally gather the courage to tell you
that the sun is dying
and there’s nothing we can do to preserve it.
In this piece, I used the sun, the moon, and the sea as metaphors to describe the trials and errors of the relationship, as well as how desperate the narrator is to improve their relationship even though they know it’s a lost cause. I always felt drawn to the push and pull relationship between the moon and the ocean. So it felt natural to me to use these in order to describe the hardships that I faced in my own relationships. I chose the music “Forest Lullaby” to accompany the piece because of the calming and melancholy mood–which matches how the comfort the speaker finds in the relationship and the loneliness they also feel.
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Tatyanna Wills
Tatyanna Wills is a rising senior in high school. She has hobbies such as writing and singing.