The perfect relationship is a facade. Always. Even when you think you know exactly how the other person is feeling, there is always a secret. Sometimes, that secret is pain.
Spoken Word Poetry
Letter to Myself
This piece was written to myself, and is a reflection of the self-hatred that I often feel as a teenage girl. It also depicts the enveloping and consuming nature of my anxiety.
Internal Storm
This poem explores the feeling of neglecting different parts of your personality to achieve a certain goal yet feeling incapable of doing so.
Black Bodies
I am showcasing my love for Black features, our hair, skin, and lips. They are often portrayed in a positive light when they are on white bodies, but they should be celebrated on our bodies.
My Persecution
This poem explores the interpersonal and intrapersonal dialogue of someone being harassed on the street.
My Hometown
What is your hometown? A place where you return back to with joy and feel comfort from. My poem will remind you of all the little elements that help us create our hometown.
i’m worried about her
An ode to hers everywhere.
I am just a girl
This is a poem about Monica Lewinsky. I wrote this piece to reshape the narrative. Some parts in style after Eleanor Wikstrom.
Tales of Hero and Villain
A perfect town’s decaying world is set in stone; a world unconsented to. It’s not the easiest knowing our fate stands between the rich and corrupt, or that there was never any difference at all.
Walking on a Shortened Path of Time
The love that you have given me shall not perish even if time separates two souls that were destined to meet. This is a love letter to you, my beautiful Ammu.
Forgotten Ignorance
History is not just the past, but also the present and the future. However, it is our decisions as a collective that majorly decide how history runs its course. This poem, titled “Forgotten Ignorance,” describes how climate change should be affecting everyone equally, yet people of color are getting more hard-hit because of the racism and socioeconomic inequality in our society. As such, advocating for a clean climate is inherently linked to advocating for racial equality.
I Am Your Vision
A poem about the internalized male gaze that verbalizes the ways it affects my thinking and everyday life.
Validation explores a love-hate intimate relationship that battles with self-love.
Asked and Unanswered
This is a collaborative memoir of our relationships with our maternal grandmothers, who we lost in the spring of 10th grade. Our relationships mirror each other’s in many ways, especially as daughters of immigrant parents.
music makers
This poem is about society’s shared desire for escape and comfort in a mundane yet chaotic world.