I wrote this essay for my colleges. I wanted to express my flexibility and versatility as a person, which I owe to my upbringing and changes I’ve underwent.
Happy Days Are Here Again
In this personal statement, I reflect on how suffering alters the way we see the people around us, and how that phenomenon ended up playing a big part in my life.
Fake Mom
Most days, I act like a fake mom. And I’m good at it, too.
The Secret Letter
When asked to write my full name, I am always tempted to include the “ę” in Siębor.
Tangles and Knots: My Life as a Highly Sensitive Person
“Are you okay?” The Hispanic woman wearing a disposable medical apron asks me as she comes back into the x-ray check-up room after scanning my braces. No.
My Hands
As a kid, I always covered my hands under layers of oversized and long-sleeved shirts, making sure that they were hidden from the gaze of the world.
A World of Glass
I’ve always had glasses, to me it offers me separation, protection in a world full of chaos and injustices. This is a poem about overcoming vulnerabilities, seeing the unfiltered world, and molding a better world.
Mind Your Business
“Mind Your Business” discusses various social justice issues with regard to people involving themselves in things that don’t concern them.
Where To?
Desire. Loss. And then what? The poem weaves those ideas together.
happy birthday
A poem written on the eve of my 17th birthday after realizing what womanhood might mean for me.
My Dear Friend Writing
This piece is about my relationship with writing, and how my life has changed since I was first introduced to it.
The Patrick Profile
Jane Patrick is a college senior living in New York City who sets up a Tinder account to track how small details affect the number of her potential matches.
I’m Not Hungry
This piece was based on an experience I had a few years ago with a boy who constantly commented on my body and weight, and my journey in separating how he defined me with how I saw myself. There were a lot of things I had to say about this relationship, and I had to experiment a lot with the flow and format of the story.
The feeling of having an ocean of ideas at the tip of your tongue, watching each one disappear once you open your mouth.
A Thousand and One Pieces
A reflective personal essay on identity and the impossibility of describing oneself in any less than a thousand and one pieces.