I dedicate this poem to my mom, Ana Vazquez. She sacrificed so much to help me become the woman I am. Even when we aren’t together, I know she’s giving me strength.
An Ode To Who We Will Be
This is written for my mother, who built independence in me.
Where I’m From
In this piece you are about to read, I am telling you more about who I am and exploring all the layers of my identity. I use the words “I am” to highlight the different places, physical and emotional, that have made me who I am today.
Where Am I?
A poem that questions if where you’re from identifies who you are.
Things We Hold Close

This piece reflects upon my relationship with my grandfather. His lasting presence in my life is a part of my personal history, one of the many things I hold close.
Cracks of Sunshine
This piece is about my struggle with depression and mental health.
A Letter
This is a goodbye letter to all the relationships that shaped me as a person.
the brighter sun
This piece unintentionally secured itself a special place in my heart. It reflects my feelings, my aspirations, and my hope that this new country will allow me to embrace my new place in history.
Berlin, eternally
Despite dating back to the thirteenth century, Berlin is such a mysteriously modern place. It was destroyed by bombs. And so, in the city, you feel the weight of these ghosts. Their blood suspended in the air: an anti-war cry. An anthem. A glimmer of hope.
Every Shade of Blue
Don’t be afraid to get in touch with the deepest of your emotions, even the heartbreaking ones. There are oceans in you if you learn how to swim.
Letters To A Young Poetess

Inspired by Rilke’s Letters To A Young Poet, Letters To A Young Poetess is the feminized and updated homage by Kiki Tom and Gabriella Calabia. Beginning a written correspondence upon being paired as mentor and mentee, the two delve into sharing thoughts, questions and feelings about writing and what it takes to share one’s voice.
Forging Melody

Set in London in 1892, two women meet at an art exhibit for famous (and recently deceased) painter Wil Finch. Through their brief encounter, we find out what makes them admire his work so much.
NO SHAME!!! Amina and Angelica talk about sex

In their second episode of Everyone’s a Little Bit Gay, Angelica and Amina discuss the ups and downs of growing in their sexuality as young women. They analyze the ways that their families and society have conditioned them into expressing their sexual desires and how to break free of the bonds of traditional femininity.
Call Me By Your Name: A Critical Essay

‘Call Me By Your Name’ is an extraordinary story showcasing genuine romance: fleeting and pure. The story brings the spontaneous essence of love to the light, despite unfavorable circumstances.
To express my love for my family, in the strangest way possible.