This project will take you through the places I’ve grown to call home. From the dazzling lights of New York City to the blue skies of Miaoli, Taiwan, you get to travel through a multitude of locations, in seconds, all while sitting in your chair. It is important for all the works I create to represent a part of me or reflect who I am as a person, and The World Through Me has given me a chance to do just that.
This poem depicts a dysfunctional relationship in which the protagonist feels constricted by the person they love, but nevertheless wants to be with them. The color schemes and backgrounds used heighten the emotional complexity as well as the aesthetic of the piece. This poem was inspired by many books I have read in which the characters have an unusual romantic relationship, and I wanted to show the intricacy of the emotions the characters feel.
In our modern world, where technology has transformed the way we do everything, stories are no longer only found in books. In the visual novel “Becoming,” the audience follows the story of a high school junior named Sonia Young. Sonia discovers a book that lets her revisit her past and gain the confidence to write her next chapter. This interactive story gives the user a little insight, and perhaps control, over the chaotic world of a teenage girl.
This project is inspired by the idea of a “safe space” in a time of rebellion and unease. It features 16 and 17-year-old subjects: Kamilla, Malcolm, Roan, and me. This series, centered around the idea of the teen bedroom, delves into teens’ ability to connect their freedoms and identity to their space. To create this piece about the human experience of life in-between, I’ve photographed and interviewed each participant. The young people in this project share what makes them feel at peace and comfortable in their ever-changing environments.
Poems in Blue and Green
The ocean has inspired generations of artists and writers. My work is collected in a digital anthology as a continuation of mankind’s love letter to the sea.
Kayla Walford’s Website
This website features a few of the projects I have done in Girls Write Now 2019-2020. They all focus on “small” moments and objects which are normally seen as unimportant. The purpose of these pieces is to highlight the importance of each part of this world, whether or not they may leave their footprint in history.
Homemade Constellations
Homemade Constellations By Blake Coniglio So, if you’re like me, you live in the city. And every night, you can’t…
Sanjida’s Style
This video is a representation of my identity and the culture that I come from. It represents one of the things I love most: fashion. Fashion shows everyone who I am as a person. I love wearing certain colors to showcase more of my personality and skin tone. When I look good, I feel good. I hope this video inspires you to change how you look at fashion.
A Self Portrait Of Some Sort
This is a self-portrait. It’s inspired by anime and my decision to wear niqab, and I think it’s one of my best works because it truly represents me.
Dreams (a short film)
No matter the stress, anger, or sadness, Hamlet was right by identifying sleep as an escape. It can be something beautiful or terrifying. We are all like children. We dream and make up our own beautiful worlds and our own monsters. Imagination and dreaming is something to keep close to you!
Rainbow Shoelaces
“Rainbow Shoelaces” is a poem about the complexity of friendship, presented in digital form. It discusses a girl who used to be my best friend, and how I felt—and still feel— jealous of her. However, beneath that, a feeling of longing and regret still exists because she was someone I was once close to. The specific details I used to describe her are fictitious, as I wanted her to seem familiar and unfamiliar at the same time.
The Feeling
This is a stop motion video I created and even without the content, it shows that anyone can create a piece like this even if they are not particularly tech-savvy. It shows my hard work in 30 seconds, and even though it may not seem like a long period to most, that mere 30 seconds took a lot of time to create.
I awake to my upstairs neighbors yelling and my mom shuffling to get my sister out the door for school. It’s 6:00 a.m. and my mom is shouting my name.
Dear Friend
This piece is dedicated to my younger self who deserves the recognition for keeping her head high through all the downfalls presented throughout her life. With all my faults and mistakes, yesterday’s me is still me.
Distorted Atmosphere
This poem tumbled out of me on a night when I felt lost and confused in my own mind. This is a compilation of my insecurities and social anxieties; I wanted to write this piece for anyone who needs a reminder that they are not alone.