Not everything is as it seems. Truth is ever-evolving like nature itself. You think you know someone? Well, think again. You might be surprised by what you find.
Beneath Her Skin
A homage to The Woman in the Yellow Wallpaper. What happens when we feel trapped in modern day.
the ‘filler’
A poem narrating one perspective of what it’s like to be ‘the filler’ – someone who believes they merely take up space, despite how much they try to escape the confines of the role.
The Patient Daughter
We all carry many pieces of our identity with us every day. This piece examines a core part of myself and the role that I have been given in this life.
Sun and Moon
A short essay I wrote while staring at my sun and moon.
grief fish
Follow a grief-filled narrative between a father and daughter, reminiscing.
These Lonely Bones
to make mistakes
To my father, who is learning.
Tricolor in Monochrome: How to Bury a Body
This piece is a reflection on estrangement from one’s culture while being a person of mixed race.
Her Boys
From close proximity, the speaker observes how the boys she knows intimately face daily obstacles in a world full of heavy systemic institutions.
I am
A poem written about the author, who hates writing about themselves.
While I haven’t been able to forgive the person nor fully move on, this poem acts as a goal of mine: feeling prideful and unashamed about what happened.
Welcome to deconstructed. — fostering a community that draws attention to mental health through creative writing and art & resources for marginalized groups.
Her House Becomes Relic
I think it’s the pattern of my family to think no one understands me because my reaction to grief is to wish I could be in a white sterile room, to wish I had a great wind surrounding me that could push everything else away.
My Personal Statement
I used this personal statement to apply to college this year. I talk about my journey with finding where I belong as a creative.