Happy 2023! This National Mentoring Month, we had our Girls Write Now mentees brainstorm what books they’d like their mentors to read. Check out these exciting recommendations from our mentees, ranging from historical drama to YA fiction.
The Fault in our Stars
by John Green
Penguin Young Readers Group
Living in a small world in Indiana, Hazel Grace Lancaster (Hazel) and Augustus Waters (Gus) are both fighting certain illnesses—attending kid support centers, to get better. But soon they both realize that there is more to life than “getting better”—that the sad truth is: even if you want to get better, the odds are always against you. But through that, you can learn to use the time you have now, to learn to live with passion and strength, to learn to make and whole-heartedly live in your infinity. A book filled with inspiring, relatable, and raw growing-up scenes—it motivates you, it awakes you, and it brings tears to your very eyes. An excellent read and highly recommend it.

Megumi Jindo
Publishing 360
My name is asher lev
BY chaim potok
Anchor Books
This is a beautiful story about a young Jewish artist named Asher Lev. It follows his journey as he struggles to find himself within a strictly religious family that reject art as blasphemous. The tension between his faith and his art are explored throughout the story. This is my favorite book of all time. Not only is it a beautiful story, but the simple and poetic writing style is breath taking. Like Mary Oliver, Potok demonstrates the beauty in the ordinary. Lastly, for any artist of any form, Asher’s unique experience of being an artist is the most accurate I’ve yet to find in literature.

Maya Collins
Writing 360
The Poet X
by elizabeth acevedo
Quill Tree Books
It’s about a young girl working through familial kinks through poetry.

Chelsea Mendes
Writing Works
everything belongs to us
BY yoojin grace wuertz
Random House
Super interesting historical drama set in 70s Korea—it takes the perspective of college students during Korea’s authoritarian industrialization. It intertwines the perspective of four different storylines with some really amazing writing.

Peggy Chen
Writing 360
a flicker in the dark
by stacy willingham
St. Martin’s Publishing Group
This book is an interesting thriller about a woman whose father killed six girls when she was young, some who she knew. She witnessed her father being arrested at the age of 12. Her trauma has followed her even as an adult and as a psychologist, when new girls go missing around the anniversary of her father’s arrest.

Mariah Massari
Writing 360
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“If not for me—brown skin, spike-studded leather gloves, combat boots and sculptural woolen coat—this place could be 1963, still.”

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Together, let’s mentor the next generation to be creative, communicative and competitive candidates shaping the future of your company and industry.

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