Exile of the Innocent
By Yaralee De La Cruz

I was walking home from school and I saw this randomly placed next to my house. I took a picture of it because I found it interesting and weird that it was just there. I used my phone to edit it by putting a vivid filter and playing around with the vignette. I learned that it leaves room for different points of view and interpretations. Some people might see it as garbage, but I like to see the beauty in everything.

Yaralee De La Cruz
Yaralee De La Cruz is a Dominican American Bronx New York bisexual female writer. Her favorite female authors and artists are Naoko Takeuhi, Elizabeth Acevedo and Meryl Streep. Her favorite genres are romance, fantasy and horror. Her favorite mediums of expression are film, art and fashion. She loves watching movies, anime, cartoons, art, graphic novels, guitar and music. She’s been published in two literary magazines, one for her high school magazine and twice for Pen America’s Summer Program. Her goals are to become a screenwriter, director, producer and actress (like Spike Lee) and have an EGOT in the near future.