“Writing does not have to be done in total isolation. Living is writing, too.”
— ZADIE SMITH tells Girls Write Now mentees
Find out what today’s top writers have to say to the next generation…
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“To write is to bring an inner voice into the outer world, to believe that our thoughts are worth entering the thinking of others, and to make real what has never existed in quite the same way before. What could be a better path to self-valuing than that?”
— GLORIA STEINEM, 2014 Girls Write Now Awards Honoree

“Find your voice. Find the things that make you excited and write about those things. It’s better and it’s easier to get in that tunnel vision of writing when you’re passionate about it.”
— ROBIN THEDE, 2019 Girls Write Now Agents of Change Awards Honoree
“Girls, write now. It’s important today and tomorrow. We will always matter, our stories will always matter.”
— RENÉE WATSON, Girls Write Now 2019 CHAPTERS Keynote Speaker
“Everyone has a voice. It’s just a question of just finding the courage to use it, and the first step in finding the courage is knowing that no matter who you are or how quiet you think your voice is, your voice matters. ”
— ROXANE GAY, Girls Write Now 2015 CHAPTERS Keynote Speaker

“Writing is magic. It makes invisible things real. Being a writer is a gift. We are so lucky to be writers, to have a skill that brings people together, a skill that society needs. This skill is rare and valuable and can make you money. The fact that Girls Write Now sets up these young writers to understand that they can make money by simply being around professional writers gives me such joy and relief.”
— ILANA GLAZER, 2017 Girls Write Now Awards Honoree
“I realized that the only way I was going to succeed as a performer was to own it all.
I stopped looking at everyone and started looking at myself. It was so freeing and empowering to trust myself.”
— ABBI JACOBSON, 2017 Girls Write Now Awards Honoree
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“What I want to say to young girls is forget about likability. If you start thinking about being likable you are not going to tell your story honestly, and that’s going to ruin your story, so forget about likability. ”
— CHIMAMANDA NGOZI ADICHIE, 2015 Girls Write Now Awards Honoree
“I hope all of you will nurture the part of you that lives internally, in your imagination and in your fantasy, because it is just as real. And I hope you never lose that because I think that is one of the things that all writers must keep.”
— JENNY ZHANG, 2018 Girls Write Now CHAPTERS Keynote Speaker
“And this is what stories do: they let us know that someone else has been there, someone else has survived, and someone else has made it out. Telling our stories is a revolutionary act.”
— JANET MOCK, 2016 Girls Write Now Awards Honoree
“To be in charge is first and foremost to own who we are and be true to ourselves. To be in charge is a commitment to ourselves.”
— DIANE VON FURSTENBERG, 2019 Girls Write Now Agents of Change Awards Host
And inspiring words from one of our mentees…
“I remember the first time I was able to share my inner voice through my poems. I knew then what it was to be a writer. Joining Girls Write Now has helped me to be a better writer and a better me.”
— ISABEL GOLIGHTLY, Girls Write Now mentee

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