Diane von Furstenberg
Special Guest
Diane von Furstenberg is a Belgian-born designer and businesswoman whose lasting contribution to fashion design was the wrap dress. Von Furstenberg started her career on the fashion scene as a model. She discovered an interest in the design sector of the fashion industry and initially produced basic pieces such as T-shirts, shirt dresses, and the two pieces from which the wrap dress later evolved—a wrap top with a matching skirt. Von Furstenberg’s wrap dress debuted in 1974. The original design was a long-sleeved silk jersey dress featuring a fitted top and a skirt that wrapped around the body to tie at the waist. Feminine yet functional, its design responded to the liberated mood of American society in the 1970s—the era during which more women joined the workforce and increasingly wore trousers, which had since the 1960s been incorporated and accepted as part of the female wardrobe. By 1976, millions of wrap dresses had been sold, and, as a result of this retail phenomenon, von Furstenberg appeared on the cover of Newsweek magazine (March 1976) and The Wall Street Journal. She became a role model—a modern powerful female designer—to whom other women, both inside and outside the fashion business, would look for inspiration. With the success of the wrap dress, she opened a cosmetics shop on Madison Avenue (1975). In 1983, on Furstenberg sold her cosmetics company and moved to Paris, where in 1985 she established Salvy, a French-language publishing house. In the 1990s von Furstenberg published a series of coffee-table books: Beds (1991), The Bath (1993), and The Table (1996), which feature photographs of the beds, baths, and tables of celebrities. In 1992 she got involved with the home shopping cable network QVC, creating and selling on the air a collection called Silk Assets. In 1997 she bought back her dress line and relaunched herself as a designer of sophisticated ready-to-wear clothes (dresses, separates, and accessories) by reintroducing the wrap dress, which became, again, a best seller. In 1998 she published a personal and business memoir, Diane: A Signature Life. In 2001, von Furstenberg married media executive Barry Diller. The two founded the Diller–von Furstenberg Family Foundation, a family philanthropic enterprise that funds, among other things, the DVF Awards (established 2010)—grants that recognize women in leadership roles who have made an impact in various capacities around the world. In 2014 she published another memoir, The Woman I Wanted to Be. Von Furstenberg later wrote the self-help book Own It: The Secret to Life (2021).