Born and raised in Brooklyn, NY, Michelle is the proud daughter of Chinese immigrants. She is passionate about the intersection between biology, social impact, feminism and culture. Michelle is eager to explore her identities and interests through creative works and collaborations at Girls Write Now. She hopes to study environmental science and Spanish in college with dreams of becoming a community scientist and cultivating a vision for progressive change. You can either find her taste-testing new cuisines with her friends, binging on a good show or tidying her little Etsy shop.
With the impact of COVID-19, events have continued to move from large, in-person celebrations to virtual gatherings, including the 16-day Lunar New Year.
Beauty Standards. Body Image. Insecurities. Are our feelings even valid? With social media usage and promotional advertisements at an all-time high, it’s so easy to feel less than and isolated. But remember, you’re not alone.