Momoca is a writer, New Yorker, and college student. The 40% of her that isn't water is seashells. She likes keeping reminders of people in her room and heart, and writes about the things that don't fit in them. If her life is ever archived, please include strawberry lemonade Burts Bees, a letter she wrote and never sent, and everything on the top shelf of her desk.
Favorite Authors & Artists
Michelle Zauner, Willa Cather, Maya Angelou
Artist‘s Statement
I knew that I wanted to work on poetry when I first joined Girls Write Now. I expressed the more lonely side of my formative years in vague motions and wished to highlight the passage of time in my pieces. While there were other pieces I wrote that I did not push to completion, I believe that I have further developed my literary voice and understand what modes of writing come more naturally and resonate with me more than others.