This is a set of three poems where I explore little ideas I wished to center poems around through the use of visual language and one poem where I explore getting personal with my writing.
Olivia Wronski
Olivia Wronski is a hopeless romantic, growing up surrounded by the romance genre in books and movies. As an artist, they find ways to express themselves through creative outlets like art and dance. She is an environmental activist, working to change the way we treat our earth, starting with her immediate family and local neighborhood. They are also a queer activist, pushing for rights for all. As a side note, she is a twin sister and is very interested in understanding the phenomenon of twins.
Favorite Genres/Mediums
Favorite Authors & Artists
Jane Austen, Maya Angelou
Artist‘s Statement
I am finally in a place where I can freely share my identity, passions, and beliefs through creative expression of written and illustrative works. It is exciting to be able to finally have a place for all the ideas I usually keep unwritten, but now that I have a platform to share all these ideas, I want to spend hours carefully crafting each one until it flourishes into another flower I can add to a bouquet of work!
Upcoming Events
January 24 – 9:00 pm - 10:00 pm ET
Discovering Oneself: Creative Nonfiction Writing
This month, we'll explore strategies for writing about other people in creative nonfiction by viewing and discussing Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s “Danger of a Single Story” and Philip Lopate’s “Ethics of Writing About Other People.” Then you’ll get a chance to practice through a writing prompt.
Subway Scenarios and Sweet Surprises
A love story that begins in an impossible subway scenario that ends with a sweet surprise.
Stages of Reflection
“Stages of Reflection” reveals the ongoing journey of self-love in three basic stages.