Rachel Young is a college student interested in exploring multimedia and developing her creative writing skills. She hopes to develop more confidence as she solidifies her ideas and learns to express herself more clearly. In her free time, she enjoys bullet journaling, finding new foods to make, and listening to Taylor Swift.
Artist‘s Statement
Entering college in person for the first time, I began to feel very lost in the world and uncertain about where I wanted to be in the future. So far away from everything I have always known, I felt a need to tell this story so that other people going through the same things, like feeling lost after every turn and new arrival, can feel like they are understood.
We have spoken so much about our relationships with our mothers that it only seemed natural we would both write letters to them that express our fond memories and wishes.
I started this piece after I went to the doctor’s office for the first time during COVID. I realized this would be the last time I would be in this small office because I’m turning 18 and next year I may be far from home because of college. It reminded me that I might not always have my mom by my side in places where you have to make important decisions or hear sensitive information. The possibility of being away from home for the first time made me wonder how my connection to myself and my family would change. This piece is about the worries of growing up, the changing bonds of family, and finding home when everything seems to be moving under your feet.