Shelley Yang is a passionate high school junior studying social science in NYC. She enjoys exploring the city, accumulating large amounts of unfinished pieces of writing (working on it!) and listening to music. Shelley aims to better herself, her community and the world around her through writing. When she’s not attempting to page through thick, used books, Shelley translates the endeavors of daily city life into her ongoing writing journey.
Artist‘s Statement
This year was a largely one of reflection, growth, and opportunity. My work weaved a picture of hidden stories that I once did not know how to express about loss and family, family and personal struggles. These stories are only the beginning to the art that I can create and my journey of self-exploration.
Throughout my childhood, I noticed differences between my friends and myself—their experiences, senses of home, family structures. I desired normalcy, yet my culture, my family and I… we thrived in the differences.