Wagiha Mariam is a student who challenges herself with her pieces. She loves writing for different purposes. It allows her to express moments of resonance and reflection: the feeling of making brush strokes to a piece without seeing a single color or physically speaking without uttering a word. She has written anecdotes, some of which are her own, but explore important topics like honor killings, race, and some of her personal interests like sign language. In her free time, she can be seen exploring a true crime podcast or catching up on a thriller novel.
The story focuses on the point of view of a young girl watching her mother get treated for a cold at a local clinic. After her mother is treated, she is unrecognizable.
This piece is about a colorblind painter who is navigating her way in an art piece before a deadline. She cannot see a single color but has to finish the piece using her senses.
This piece has two narrators: a broken bride and a defiant teenager. They are both at the same wedding and they communicate through a connection that transcends words.