Memoir: Stories that Shape Us
In this studio you will explore your language and develop a greater familiarity and facility with it. We will read texts that will inspire discussions and free writes.
In this studio you will explore your language and develop a greater familiarity and facility with it. We will read texts that will inspire discussions and free writes.
This community studio will focus on three important facets in screenwriting: story treatments, character building, and formatting. Not only will these studios help teach the craft of screenwriting, but also provide perspective and applications to other storytelling methods.
In their full-length poetry debut, Mia S. Willis explores how the intersecting cultures of Blackness and queerness relate to each other. Join them as they read a selection of poems from "the space between men" and share writing prompts based on the African American poetry forms that appear in the collection.
This year’s Summit, themed "Self-Care to Community-Care: WE Got US!", will emphasize the transformative power of community-care, building on the success of our #SelfCareSaturday initiative, and inspire attendees to uplift one another and drive change in their communities.