"My work as a writer and my values as a person were absolutely made better by game-changing teachers and mentors.…
This special edition episode will kick off Girls Write Now Live: Graduation Week by taking us all back to high…
The second episode in our special edition Girls Write Now Live: Graduation Week series is infused with a strong sense…
The third episode in our special edition Girls Write Now Live: Graduation Week series will be a love letter—to beginnings…
Tune in on Facebook or here today at 6 p.m. EST to watch the show. Please give to the next…
6:00 - 7:30PM
Speakers for Girls Write Now's Career Day 2020 include: Public Relations Specialist Carolina Alduey Carolina is the founder of La…
This event is open to mentee and mentee applicants ONLY! We invite all 4th -12th grade girls and gender…