I tried to be different this year and not make a piece about me or my family but I failed terribly. This piece shows how I am no different from anyone and how I can make my mark in my community by creating awareness of the issues in NYC.
Memoir & Personal Essay
The Climate Crisis Needs A Story
I first joined the New York City Climate Strike Coalition in July 2019. In the company of such impassioned, optimistic youth activists, I quickly realized that the climate crisis is not about numbers. It is a human story, with a human solution.
The Day I Fell In Love
This is dedicated to my boyfriend, who helped me overcome something I didn’t know I could get over: my insecurities. It’s also dedicated to myself, as I am slowly learning to love myself more and more every day.
Dreams, Hopes, Forward, Forward
I want to dedicate this piece to the person I am becoming. The way forward for me feels inspiring and optimistic!
Personal Statement
This is my College Personal Statement. As a senior, I spent a lot of time at Girls Write Now with my mentor working on this essay along with my other supplemental essays for college applications. This essay demonstrates my passion for technology and activism while also showcasing my growth.
A Life Long Taxi Ride
Growing up I was raised in a very cultured and loving community. However, when I began to interact with the world outside my community, I became aware of the many issues people like me face daily.
Starting the program in my freshman year of high school meant I grew up with Girls Write Now. Although saying goodbye is difficult, it brings me great joy to present our history.
A Tribute to Myself
This piece was inspired by the Natalie Douglas tributes workshop, along with 2020 being a new decade filled with emotions. Additionally, since I am graduating this year, this decade will be filled with me taking my place in history.
this is
“this is” is an answer to the question: “Where do you see yourself in ten years?” Just recently in history, women have the power to seize their opportunities and follow their dreams. This piece reflects on those dreams, and the future.
Reclaiming My Time
This essay is inspired by an essay prompt by an organization that I am in. With the help of my mom and Laura I was greatly inspired by all of the African American women that have made history.
Two Worlds
A memoir, a thought, a realization. Finding and defining my own identity.
Letting Go
This piece is dedicated to the past me who struggled so hard to find her place.
Asian American
This poem is an exercise in claiming my place in history—as a member of a community but also as an individual. It explores some thoughts I frequently have about my Asian-American identity and living in New York.
Thoughts In Train Traffic
When I was told I would have to write an essay about myself as part of my college application I was convinced I couldn’t do it. I had always avoided writing that involved telling my own story, however in the end I was surprised and proud of the outcome.
Tales Of A Mixed Girl; An Open Letter To All The Mixed Girls Struggling To Find Their Identity
A person’s identity is shaped by many factors such as nationality, race, ethnic group, physical appearance, talents, interests, language, religion, and especially culture. Here is a deeper insight to my growth as a mixed girl; My History.