The day I was born is the day the twin towers fell.
Memoir & Personal Essay
Sometimes the Way to Win Is to Quit
“A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one,” is the best compliment for an overachieving young adult trying to find their way around the world. At least it was for me.
‘You Don’t Owe Anyone Anything’
The reality of missing school for a whole two weeks and dealing with the stares of society.
a lesson in pressure & prestige
Written after submitting my Early Decision application, this essay shares the epiphany I was already having—one expedited by a choice that held so much weight over my future.
The First Step Towards Making A Friend
I had no clue where I was going—let alone what academic path I truly wanted to take—so you could say I was a bit overwhelmed on my first day of college.
Rolling Through Fear: Realizations at the Rink
The time spent at the rink was too short for me to spend it wallowing in my mistakes.
Take Space, Make Space
While I used to feel fractured when it came to my heritage, poetry has helped me realize that these fractures are, in fact, who I am.
Adolescent Forms
A depiction of my journey in asking for help, this essay is my reminder that I deserve peace and welfare in a battle against the uncertainties and anxieties of my mind.
Stories from the Shag
My time-out rug was white, with blue squares and tassels at opposite ends.
Each Tremolo Reminds Me
Chelsea Lin, Girls Write Now Mentee and My Simple Realization contest winner, writes about her grandfather.
Got to keep running and running.
Because dying is loud. And living is too.
I’ll get there one day.
Patriarchal Pledge
I wrote this to show the patriarchal practices of saying the Pledge of Allegiance and what it truly means to stand for the flag, from the perspective of an American and an immigrant.
A pair of poems inspired by the title “bloodline” and the poets’ own heritages and culture. How do our family and our history connect and define us to ourselves and to others?
Letters to Our Mothers
We have spoken so much about our relationships with our mothers that it only seemed natural we would both write letters to them that express our fond memories and wishes.