Thoughts, consciousness, and imagination. A poem.
Prose Poetry
liar’s job
A self-reflective, nearly-narcissistic poem about being a writer.
Stupidly Optimistic.
Mental health is often overlooked in society. This poem dives into the mind of a teenager who finally has had enough.
pretty vain
About loving your pretty.
This poem was originally rooted in the pandemic and quarantine, but evolved into a piece on introspection, rumination, and growth.
Stages of Reflection
“Stages of Reflection” reveals the ongoing journey of self-love in three basic stages.
least favorite season
an ode to winter, but not exactly a commentary on the coldest season.
mama, they asked for an artist’s statement
Why do I write? / Why do I do this to myself? How do I stop? / How can I stop?
Two Generations
Our project highlights life through the view of two very different generations.
Validation explores a love-hate intimate relationship that battles with self-love.
El Dorado Vintage Shop
This multimedia piece was a collaboration between Tingting and myself. Accompanied with the nostalgic pictures of our childhoods are a series of short stories.
Asked and Unanswered
This is a collaborative memoir of our relationships with our maternal grandmothers, who we lost in the spring of 10th grade. Our relationships mirror each other’s in many ways, especially as daughters of immigrant parents.
The Unspoken Epidemic
We wanted to shine a light on mental health struggles that often go unnoticed and to dispel harmful stereotypes about mental illness.
A Taste of Life: Musings by Kailee and Shyanne
On culinary connections to our cultures.
preparatory nostalgia for someone still here
This poem encapsulates, for me at least, the painful feeling of loved ones growing old. It also conveys the struggle of watching a grandparent with Parkinson’s diminish as the years go by.