I’ve been away from lyric writing for a long time, but I got a few lines stuck in my head, and they refused to leave me alone, so I wrote this.
Lyrics & Songwriting
True Crime

Call Me Crazy
A parody of “Call Me Maybe” by Carly Rae Jepsen.
Mood Ring
I mess up my mood by overthinking…
Worst Days
Worst Days is a song about love and struggling in its absence.
‘Apartment 3B’ Pocket Musical Website

This website encourages audiences to participate in my latest musical, Apartment 3B. It guides them through different methods of supporting the project and engaging actors, musicians, and theater people of all types alongside digital audiences.
Movie Type of Way
Maybe I’ll bump into a girl that I don’t know in the hallway of school today…
Dear Friend
Who are you trying to be behind the mask you see?
Feelings Change
”I know you say you love me; I don’t really feel it sometimes.”
The Happenings at the Estate

This is an interactive reading/listening experience. Listen to the accompanying audio with headphones and read at your pace.
For You

The following are lyrics to a song I wrote for someone I will forever love dearly and hold close.
In the newest iteration of “Sunrise,” I explore an acoustic arrangement featuring myself on keyboard and vocals.
see the sun

“See the Sun” is an original song about friendship, and how the people who love you can lift you up out of the darkness.

You deserve so much better than your fears.