New Worlds: The 2013 Girls Write Now Anthology is now available on Amazon.
In tune with this year’s curricular theme, New Worlds: the Girls Write Now 2013 Anthology is composed of stories that celebrate the incredible diversity and creative fearlessness of our intergenerational community, showcasing poetry, fiction, memoir and more that surprise us and stretch our understanding of the world and ourselves.
From the Foreword:
“These pages also mark a final performance, and the many rooms in the house of this anthology are a bristling intrigue. Whether in fiction or fantasy, in essays of humor or personal heartbreak, in free verse or dialogue, it is a compilation of work that calls us to pay attention. By cutting the ribbon on New Worlds: The Girls Write Now 2013 Anthology, we celebrate both the basis of the Girls Write Now community and the hard-shine polish of the written word as it has been altered, expanded, reworked, cut, and perfected on the page.” Read the rest of Adele Griffin’s foreword
Praise for New Worlds:
“To write from the heart is to illuminate one’s existence against many kinds of darkness. These young writers are going deep, feeling hard, self-defining what has as yet no public face. What a refreshment to me as an older writer. To feel what is so true, so real, so liberating in this work. After all, it is the hard on freedom we gain ourselves that is truly our own.” — Alice Walker, The Color Purple
“It’s not easy being a woman of color in this world. But I write because I still have hope that things can be changed. Whenever I falter, I look over my shoulder and see the next generation of women writers rising — I hear the bold voices of these brilliant young women and I forge ahead knowing the change we need is already underway.” — Zetta Elliot, Ship of Souls
From New Worlds:
“I have my father’s eyes, eyes that are the color of an oak tree. Eyes that are pulled down by invisible strings on the outermost corners. Eyes that gravity pulls down like a hunched back. Eyes that have seen so much, but understand so little. Eyes that share love and experiences that will last through our memories.
His eyes stayed awake on school nights, burning from fatigue, whispering one last page as their lids brushed together. His eyes watched pages fade to darkness as psychedelic plots floated in the space between the cornea and the optic nerve. My eyes stay alert from five to ten, skmiming lines of documents and watching television in a tempest of letters and images. My eyes rest at night, drooping low from overuse like withering orchids.” — Kiara Kerina-Rendina, Four Eyes
- Read the press release and get in touch