By Claire Yu
This poem is about the serenity and cleansing nature of standing in the rain and the importance of taking a moment to breathe and reflect.
people say I'm strange for liking the rain why shouldn't I? soft pattering like muted drum beats on my window God tapping you on the shoulder and whispering there's more out there. something greater than you can imagine. this thing i've manifested from my daydreams. consider the raindrop— so perfect and pure so little so many so cold on my naked skin roll like dropped pennies all around my skin lustrous and cheeks moist heaven cries for mankind our tears will wash your sins away be careful you are not swept up in floodwaters too many things are nonpolar molecules hydrophobic, that means, like you reject the water because you think it will make you soft and so those who do not let me into their heart will grow slippery in your hands until they fall and shatter all that is left is imbibed with holy water suspension. listen. drink in the night sky and sighing trees and let your unspoken sorrows hang heavy in humid air until a raindrop swallows it whole and falls to the ground tomorrow there will be dew drops in your flower eyes tomorrow the sun will shine on your dreams and fears tomorrow you will forget all that i have told you but today you are here. pause.
I have always loved standing in the rain and wanted to write a poem that captures that surreal moment. The idea of rain being God’s tears was intriguing to me and so the poem has two voices: the voice of the narrator and the voice of God. Taking time to stand in the rain and breathe and appreciate nature is such a beautiful way to meditate and de-stress, so the poem is written as if God is speaking to the narrator through the rain and telling them to pause and take a break from their busy lives to breathe in the air.

Claire Yu
Claire Yu is a junior from Queens who attends high school in Manhattan, NY. She enjoys writing poetry and memoirs, dancing and playing the flute. She has won regional and national awards at the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards.