i miss you

I attended a program over the summer and met people from all over the world. They showed me what genuine and crazy friendship looked like and I continue to miss all of who they were.
it’s like wanting to listen to a broken record over - and - over again it’s like listening to those radios with frequencies going through all the shady noise to get to that one true moment listening to the same voices and seeing the same faces in camera rolls immersing yourself into other people’s thoughts so you forget about your own it’s like wanting them to be as near to you as your shadow is it’s like finding a new favorite font so you forget you ever had one before hoping that you reside in the deep wells of their heart as they do yours craving their presence in a way that draws their scent right back into your own - learning to miss someone
This poem was inspired by the people I met during an Immerse Education Program in Cambridge, England. The group we ended up creating consisted of a Singaporean, a Korean, two Indians, a Sri Lankan, and an Kazakhstani. I never experienced such a friendship in New York, therefore I was suspicious of their genuineness when I first met them. But over time, with the way they included me, the way they showed me how to be carefree, and the way they made me smile, I was won over. Because of them I learned what it felt like to miss someone so dearly, someone you only had spent two weeks with. I wish to see them all again one day, even if it seems like it’ll remain a dream.
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Lena Singh
Lena is a junior in high school and she lives in Staten Island with her family and little dog named Oreo. In her free time, she’s either in her bed with a good fantasy novel or walking in the rain with her flip flops. A straightforward character that never backs down from an argument, she’s an introverted jalapeno that’s rare to find. Approach her if you dare.