Leading Teen Volunteers to Professional Development & Teen Agency
By Amber Loveless
How does one develop an excellent, engaging, and rewarding teen volunteer program? Let me show you. This presentation covers everything you need to know. (Made for librarians, but adaptable to anyone.)
I originally developed this presentation for a Queens Public Library in service. I then polished and expanded it to present at the February 2020 Public Library Association national conference. Finally, in December 2020 the Nebraska Library Commission contacted me to present this version, which I adapted somewhat to reflect the changes made for COVID-19.

Amber Loveless
Amber Loveless is a librarian, novelist, and parent. She enjoys connecting with teenagers at the library and as a Girls Write Now mentor, table top gaming, writing, and music. Hobbies including learning the piano, reading, spending time with her kid, and exploring her adopted borough of Queens!