By Genesis Cespedes

I love photography because I think it’s beautiful how one second can be caught in one picture. It’s one of the few ways where time can be still. This collage shows many seconds of my ironic life on different occasions.
I don’t know exactly where this idea came from—I just imagined it and brought it to life. It’s not exactly what I expected, but it’s pretty close. I used Canva for this collage, and it took me a lot of patience and around 45 minutes to create. I feel really good about this collage. I like it a lot because it has around 90% of the things I love in it!
Meet the Pair
Genesis’s Anecdote: Whenever Katy and I meet at the Bean Coffee and sit down to write stuff, I get stuck. So Katy came up with a technique where she would search up a word and we would free-write for ten minutes regarding the word. It was funny because I learned big words that I used with my friends and they looked confused. Overall, these two years with Katy were great because she pushed me to think outside the box and my writing became more fun and creative. She became my friend and I was excited to have a friend in her twenties.
Katerina’s Anecdote: This year was Genesis’s senior year of high school. This year was also the year I started a new job. We both had full plates, to say the least, and spent the first half of our meetings catching up. Our conversations revolved around nostalgia for the present moment, mixed with anxiety about the future. Although I am at a different stage in life, I could totally relate. Women can be havens of safety and validation for each other, no matter the age difference. Genesis lifts me up whenever I see her, and I hope I do the same for her!

Genesis Cespedes
Genesis Cespedes is a class of 2020 Girls Write Now mentee based in Bronx, NY.