Rich Ghost Town
I knew this place like the back of my hand…
I first wrote this for a prompt about walking down a familiar street and finding the character in a place they have never been. When I finished writing it, my mentor and I thought this would work as a comic. I have always drawn and once I started thinking about how I could make this into a visual story, the images came to me quickly. I started out by choosing the lines I wanted to include in my comic and then paired them with an image. I then started drawing drafts of the pages to get a better idea of how I wanted them to look. The final step was to bring together the images and text onto the pages so that each page was well-balanced. I started by sketching the images and then went over them with a black Micron pen.
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Ayah Al-Masyabi
Ayah Al-Masyabi is a sophomore in high school and lives in Colorado. She is an artist and a writer. Ever since she was able to hold a pencil she has been drawing. As a dyslexic person, art has been a way to express herself without struggling to find a way to piece together letters or words. Her writing branches into different genres, from nonfiction to creative fiction. Ayah won 3rd place in the Arapahoe Libraries art contest in October 2022 and has also submitted artworks to Polyphony, an online magazine.