Ring of Salt
By Elisabeth Hynes

Have you ever questioned your beliefs? Have you ever thought about the impact your beliefs have on you or how other people with different beliefs live? In this podcast, we’ll be talking about different spiritual paths and religions.
I’m not good with technology, so when Girls Write Now showed me Anchor, I knew that I wanted to do a podcast for my multimedia piece. Next, I thought about this year’s Girls Write Now anthology theme and decided that I wanted to interview women who inspire and encourage me. When I brought the idea to my chosen interviewees, they were more than willing to help. I was surprised by the responses to the questions I asked. I felt like I got to know a bit more about them than I expected.
Meet the Pair
Elisabeth’s Anecdote: Jennifer allows me to express who I am and encourages me to keep on doing so. She has no problems about voicing her ideals to me and that is a quality that I admire. I think that people should stand up for what they believe in and Jenni does just that. With Jenni, I am able to be who I am in a world that wants to put me in a box. My writing has taken on a different meaning to me since we’ve been working together.
Jennifer’s Anecdote: When I first met Elisabeth, we chatted about anything from religion to climate change to gender and sexuality. She is anything but shy about voicing her opinion, and I so admire that. She told me she was frustrated by people who felt the need to categorize everything. Why can’t we just be who we are? That’s a question that people seem to be asking now more than ever, when the basic rights of so many are being called into question. But Elisabeth is someone who lives and breathes her ideals. It’s rare to meet someone who is so completely open and accepting of herself and others. I’m certain it’s a quality I will continue to nurture, and what better way to do that than writing?

Elisabeth Hynes
Elisabeth Hynes is a class of 2020 Girls Write Now mentee based in Staten Island, NY.