The fantasy land of Catrossau, Oseka in 434 BD tells the story of travelers struggling to survive making their living by killing demons. This tells the story of an unlikely group of people working together.
One very long day
A journey of acceptance and yearning.
Felicity’s Guide to Falling In Love and Not Getting Murdered
Felicity Quinton never would have thought babysitting her sister’s children would result in a wild goose chase around New York City. But, life is full of surprises (tall, dark, and handsome surprises).
The Sky’s The Limit
This is an excerpt from a story about a girl’s process of learning to be independent and self-confident after the unexpected loss of her brother.
At 11:32 on a typical Saturday night, a mom and daughter chat while doing their nails.
This began as my personal statement for my Common Application, but has transformed over time into a personal essay.
Bunk Bed Dreams
Thoughts, consciousness, and imagination. A poem.
Lost Child
In this short story excerpt, immediately after her (supposed) imaginary friend saves her from a terrible fall into a ravine, a young girl is whisked away from her lonely days into a world of adventure.
Walking on a Shortened Path of Time
The love that you have given me shall not perish even if time separates two souls that were destined to meet. This is a love letter to you, my beautiful Ammu.
Lunch Hour
Every day at school, I get lunch from the same place, just to see the grandma who works there. It’s the highlight of my day.
Contempt of Love
After five years apart, Aurora and Griffin’s lives collide again. Aurora can’t see past her anger, while Griffin spends his time hiding his past and trying to ignore his feelings for Aurora, which never left.
An Ode to Sandy: Three Things I Love
This poem was written from the perspective of Sandy. The word “sandy” itself may spark memories of your own, but I will leave it to you, reader, to figure out who Sandy truly is.
Beauty By Heart
There are many stigmas surrounding body image and beauty standards to the point where it has become underestimated. This poem is written through the lens of a girl who experiences it but finds strength to overcome it.
Making American Holidays Our Own
Two essays about experiencing American holidays through the lens of immigrant families. Each of us has different stories of trying to figure out American holiday traditions, but we’ve also tried to build our own.
The Lifelong Gift
People leave a mark in our lives that will forever stay with us; this essay is a love letter to everyone that has influenced me and put me on the path I am now traveling.