This poem is about my experience growing up being forced to be Kosher.
The Happiness Mandate
In high school, relaxation is a crime. Guilt regarding an upcoming homework assignment or exam often overshadows true happiness. Yet, as the anonymous narrator soon discovers, a dystopian ‘Happiness Mandate’ is not the answer either.
Let’s Be Five
Let’s Be Five is a story about reflecting on the first semester of college and having to make the decision to be your own person.
Saying Goodbye to My Grandmother

This was the moment when my mom received a call from my uncle saying that my grandmother was sick.
Dios Te Bendiga
This piece started as many little stories about my grandmother’s cooking and evolved into a story about my grandmother herself and the moments when we drink hot chocolate together.
the probability of learning my lesson
There is significant evidence that shows I still haven’t learned my lesson.
Reflections On A Semester Abroad in Copenhagen

This piece offers reflections on my semester abroad in Copenhagen, highlighting the class that changed how I think about everything and how it will continue to impact me.
The Monsters
This story is a post-apocalyptic world where monsters (in the form of mutant animals) come out at night. Sunlight is weak and limited in this world, so the characters have to be wary.

This piece was selected as the winner in the First Chapters Contest, hosted in partnership with Penguin Random House and Electric Lit
The Vile Crown

This piece was selected as an Honorable Mention in the First Chapters Contest, hosted in partnership with Penguin Random House and Electric Lit. Mave Chen finds herself in an impossible situation where she’s the only one who knows a secret the conquering Rynnians would kill for.

This piece was selected as an Honorable Mention in the First Chapters Contest, hosted in partnership with Penguin Random House and Electric Lit.
In the mechanized faction of Chronodale in the Velorath Coalition, humanoid dolls have been forbidden for their destructive power and lack of humanity. That’s the way it’s always been—or supposed to be, at least.
Ear wax/worm
This piece was selected as an Honorable Mention in the First Chapters Contest, hosted in partnership with Penguin Random House and Electric Lit.
This piece is intended to be the first chapter of a larger, semi autobiographical body of work that essentially criticizes the archetypes of men that have frustrated me throughout my life.
Rin, Haru, and Umi

This piece was selected as an Honorable Mention in the First Chapters Contest, hosted in partnership with Penguin Random House and Electric Lit.
A boy who plays violin is nudged out of his shell.

This piece was selected as an Honorable Mention in the First Chapters Contest, hosted in partnership with Penguin Random House and Electric Lit.
For two years, every action Ariella had taken was infiltrated by her father’s opinions. Until, she discovered secrets her government had hidden for decades. Was she just a pawn in a much more complicated game?

This piece was selected as an Honorable Mention in the First Chapters Contest, hosted in partnership with Penguin Random House and Electric Lit