Unspoken Things
“Unspoken Things” is about being in a gray area with someone and not knowing where you stand with them.
how lonely it feels, how confusing it is, to never know, the reality of unspoken things, unspoken things, are like, flowers that never, blossom, they are like, “almosts”, and, “maybes”, unspoken things, smell of hope, but taste like, despair.
My inspiration for this piece came from my personal experiences with one-sided relationships. I am a giver and in the past, I had very weak boundaries. I gave too much of my time, energy, and love to the wrong people. When I wrote this piece, I was listening to a study music video from Youtube. The video is one of my favorites to listen to while writing or working on homework assignments. The music helped me get into my writing groove and let my emotions out onto paper. I was reminded that traumatic experiences can be released through forgiveness and reflection.
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Yao Liu
Yao Liu is a cat-lover who resides in San Diego, CA. She is in 11th grade. In her spare time, she enjoys cooking, reading, watching Youtube, and of course, writing! An interesting fact about Yao is that attempted to learn how to sing by getting vocal lessons in 9th grade. Needless to say, she realized that maybe she was not cut out in the vocal department. Her goals for this year are to gain more recognition for her poetry/creative writing blog. Her proudest achievement was receiving The President´s Volunteer Service Award in 2021 for doing 100+ hours of volunteer service.