
When writing this piece I tried to cast a light on people around the world who continuously fight for their rights and to protect the people around them. I hope you enjoy my piece.
In the age of superheroes crusaders smash their comic book cages, now dominating culture. These powerful superheroes devise a system that impact modern powers. We define most in favor of their deepest cultural footprints, had them individually averaged to create an overall for each. The result will be from our own rankings, your groundbreaking choice. Just because each hero is ranked we choose who will occupy that name. They do not obtain imaginative abilities but they carry something better. Powerful superheroes appear to the world as average people running the streets. One glance and the title “superhero” would not have crossed your mind. Sirens and gut instincts guide these people through dangerous situations or threats. They fight for what is right, and they fight to make things right. Powerful superheroes are not green, they are not created with steel, and their face remains bare. Nothing stumps or conceals these crusaders. Hate sweeps the nation but heroes speak against it. Bans are placed but they will not stand. Walls are built but they will not obstruct. Together they take each other’s hand and crush their jail bars. They force themselves out those cages with their plans and determination. With inspiration up their sleeves they rise to the occasion to set it loose. With confidence they chant their beliefs using their skill to make their opinion known. Crusaders fight villains across the country. Those who exist within the government or out in the street. They attract the attention needed to etch those footprints deep into the ground. Powerful superheroes make an effort to understand a villain’s point of view. They do not shoot them down unless it is apparent they need to take them down. Crusaders protect the people around them. Once purposely targeted because of gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation those crusaders use their capabilities to protect and persuade. To bring attention to human rights they devise that system, they use that system, and they combat those who want to destroy it. They can slap a couple of villains with their words or with their palm. They can inspire and can bring forth more heroes willing to do the same. As leaders we choose who is going to impact our life positively or negatively. As leaders we also decide who is going to impact the world. In the age of superheroes crusaders smash their comic book cages, now dominating culture. These powerful superheroes devise a system that impact modern powers. We define most in favor of the deepest cultural footprints, had them individually averaged to create an overall for each. The result is your own rankings, our groundbreaking choice.
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Sophia Torres
Sophia Torres is an aspiring writer, rock music addict and film lover. She can write backwards and is excited for this year at Girls Write Now.