Committee Studios

NextGen Philanthropy: The Story Changes Minds

Open to all mentees, all mentors, program alum and the public

In December’s NextGen Philanthropy Studio, we’ll have philanthropist guests from within our community come speak with us and further expand on re-imagining philanthropy. There will be video clips, music, and an opportunity for us to collectively brainstorm what giving might look like.

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Committee Studios

Print Anthology: The Making of a Book

Open to all mentees, all mentors, print anthology committee members, program alum and the public

Girls Write Now’s award-winning anthology doesn’t just happen. Learn how this annual book is made, from securing author blurbs, to editing in Chicago Style. After learning about the process, you can inquire about joining the 2024 Anthology Committee. We will go over what is expected of you, time commitments, and more. Special guests include mentor alum and author Carol Paik, and mentee alum Mariah Dwyer, who has worked in publishing (and knows a ton about publishing a book!), as well as mentee alum Sophia Torres.

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Committee Studios

NextGen Philanthropy: Here to Change

Open to all mentees, all mentors, program alum and the public

At the January studio of the NextGen Philanthropy Initiative, find out how to turn your personal story into a radical force, because we're not here to make sure things stay the same. We're here to change.

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Committee Studios

Print Anthology: The Making of A Book

Open to all mentees, all mentors, print anthology committee members, program alum and the public

All are welcome for a brainstorming session for the title of our 2024 anthology! We’ll talk through our reflections on the past year and our hopes for the future to help us name the next installment of the Girls Write Now annual anthology series.

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Committee Studios

IVEdit – Processing Through Writing

Open to all mentees, all mentors, diversity committee members, program alum, the public and website editorial committee members

Writing can be a tool to help us process the events of our lives and the feelings that we have. How can we shift from thinking about writing as a product made for external goals to writing for ourselves? Join us for a session of care and discussion on the impulse to process through creation.

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Committee Studios

Intersectional Voices in Editorial: Writing From Our Principles

Open to all mentees, all mentors, GWN staff, program alum and the public

Through world events and the daily onslaught of perspectives we take in moment to moment, staying true to your personal voice and values can sometimes be a struggle. Join us for an evening of focused thought and discussion on writing that connects us to our personal principles and how we can bring the values we hold true to guide Girls Write Now’s editorial voice.

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Committee Studios

NextGen Philanthropy: You Can Do It!

Open to all mentees, all mentors, GWN staff, program alum and the public

Guest Kibin Alleyne, Reporter & Host of BronxNet CommunityTV, will talk about self-created barriers to success & how to overcome them, we'll craft individual stories to encourage greater support for GWN, and collectively share how we overcame big hurdles.

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Committee Studios

IVEdit — Beyond the Binary

Open to all mentees, all mentors, GWN staff, program alum, the public and website editorial committee members

Join the IVEDit committee for a discussion on the challenges and joys of creating stories that exist beyond the gender binary of our world today.

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Committee Studios

NextGen Philanthropy: You Can Do It!

Open to all mentees, all mentors, program alum and the public

In this studio you will learn about Girls Write Now's Next-Gen Philanthropy Initiative, entitled The Story Changes Minds. What we have always had to give is our Time, our Stories, and access to our Communities. Money, or the lack thereof, has often prevented us from viewing ourselves through a philanthropic lens.

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Committee Studios

Print Anthology: The Making of a Book

Open to all mentees, all mentors, print anthology committee members, program alum and the public

In this month's session, watch as the anthology committee prepares to edit the 2024 anthology. We will go over the blurbs that were secured, quick refresh on Chicago Style, and watch the mechanics of bundling hundreds of stories for the committee to top-edit.

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Girls Write Now

247 West 37th Street, Suite 1000
New York, NY 10018