IVEdit — Beyond the Binary
Join the IVEDit committee for a discussion on the challenges and joys of creating stories that exist beyond the gender binary of our world today.
Join the IVEDit committee for a discussion on the challenges and joys of creating stories that exist beyond the gender binary of our world today.
In this studio you will learn about Girls Write Now's Next-Gen Philanthropy Initiative, entitled The Story Changes Minds. What we have always had to give is our Time, our Stories, and access to our Communities. Money, or the lack thereof, has often prevented us from viewing ourselves through a philanthropic lens.
In this month's session, watch as the anthology committee prepares to edit the 2024 anthology. We will go over the blurbs that were secured, quick refresh on Chicago Style, and watch the mechanics of bundling hundreds of stories for the committee to top-edit.
Most of us have likely heard of the term "coming out," but what does it truly entail? The truth is that there is no one way to come out or be out. Join us for an enlightening evening as we delve into the vast, diverse community of LGBTQIA+ people and the different experiences with "coming out." Whether you identify as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community or as an ally, this workshop welcomes all who seek to broaden their perspectives and deepen their empathy.
This chat is your opportunity to ask your burning questions about working in the reproductive health sphere with panelists from Planned Parenthood, Elektra Health, UCLA, and Yale, all while picking up their nuggets of wisdom. Enter a warm, intimate space, and emerge with insider knowledge and contacts for life!
Come celebrate the release of our second issue of Take Me With You, a zine written and designed entirely by the Girls Write Now community.
The Sports Training and Role-models for Success Citywide Girls Initiative (STARS CGI) is a collaboration of ten leading New York City nonprofits with missions to support girls and young women of color to overcome barriers to success, grow emotionally, academically and physically stronger, and give them the tools that they need to develop as leaders in their communities.
Reproductive rights icon Merle Hoffman will discuss her work creating one of the nation’s first abortion clinics, the role of writing in that work, and why writing from experience and empathy are such powerful tools.
Celebrating 25 years of transformative stories and featuring Poetry 360, our alumnae, and special guest speakers.
In this studio you will learn about Girls Write Now's Next-Gen Philanthropy Initiative, entitled The Story Changes Minds. What we have always had to give is our Time, our Stories, and access to our Communities. Money, or the lack thereof, has often prevented us from viewing ourselves through a philanthropic lens.