Resources > Make Manga with Misako Rocks!
Join Manga writer and illustrator Misako Rocks! as she leads an all-skills level welcome Manga lesson—which includes drawing by hand! Misako will also share her journey as a writer and illustrator, as well as behind-the-scenes tales of her graphic novel, BOUNCE BACK.
I wanted to make each page so beautiful and just mean something, and I wanted readers to feel emotional.
Misako Rocks!
What’s in Store:
- Learn how to draw a character in a manga art style
- Explore the process of telling a story with both words and art
Prompt #1: Draw
Go grab something to draw with!
Q&A with Misako Rocks!
- How long does it take you to come out with one book?
- Oh my god, one book. Okay, let’s say… Bounce Back? Whole year. This one’s a whole year. But you know, coming up with everything, including that? Bounce Back, I spent six years. I know! Takes a long time. Well, that’s, I have a strong passion, emotional feeling to this book, so yeah. Some people spend ten years, though. Mine is six years.
- Do you also do the text? Like, the narrative part of the text?
- Oh, the font or the scripting?
- Yeah, like do you narrate the storytelling?
- Yeah, I write the story, too. I do both.
- Wow, that’s hard to do.
- I know! That’s why I spent six years!
- So what order do you do it in?
- I like doing script first, so I exactly know how the story begins, exactly how the story ends. So I go like, all the conversation, but English is my second language, so it’s my weakness, so sometimes I have to ask my agent, editor— everybody team up and they fix a lot— but I also have test readers, like beta readers, so they read, they give me all their opinions, “We don’t say it like this,” and I’m just like, “Okay, fix, fix, fix!” So yeah, I spend a long time.
- Are you in writing groups or anything?
Not really. I do have my students and, you know, my Misako Rocks! Instagram followers, so I ask them and I pick them. So for Bounce Back, I think I had almost 70 people reading—the test readers— and they helped me a lot.
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This event was originally recorded on August 13th, 2021.

Misako Rocks!
Misako Rocks is a Japanese manga artist who's published several manga books all over the world. Misako's new manga graphic novel, Bounce Back will be released on Nov 16th!