anatomy lesson

a lesson on anatomy, taught by two special people
can we see eye to eye? run hand in hand? have a heart to heart? take your index and thumb and pinch my left eye open and take my contact out before i kiss you goodnight; and when i’m curled up under your duvet, the white one with the little pink flowers, wake me up from the dream i’m having because i’d rather the guarantee of seeing you face to face than the risk of not seeing you in my sleep when it’s so cold out that i can’t feel my ears can i run back inside to borrow your fuzzy black uggs? will you step out with me and cup my face with your warm gloved fingers and slip your kitty-kat earmuffs over my head? and when we’re carrying brown bags of food back home and your lips are blue from the icy wind i’ll cover them with mine and the blizzard will watch us in envy while we slowly thaw together, staying lip to lip so when we plod to the house, side by side and we’re welcomed home by the radio on low we’ll throw off our coats and drop our bags and we’ll fall to the floor. on that navy rug, we’ll lay spine to spine and you’ll say very quietly that if you could choose your next life you’d pick this one every time. and we’ll flip ourselves over, in sync, so we’re lying brain to brain and i’ll close my eyes and you’ll let me sleep because you know that you’ll meet me wherever i go and in our dream we’re running arm in arm under a black sky down, down, down an emerald hill and when you stop to give me a hug and i clutch my arms around your waist we can be together, breathing, lung to lung
I thought hard about the warmth attached to having a heart-to-heart with someone you love. I wanted to convey other feelings of closeness that two people experience in their everyday moments together. I wrote as many phrases like “eye to eye” and “hand in hand” and “face to face” and “lung to lung” as I could think of, and picked the ones that seemed to spark the most warmth.
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Maria King
Born and raised in NYC, Maria King is an aspiring professional writer and teacher. She likes contemporary literature and writing in-depth analyses on fictional characters. When she’s not reading, she can be found drawing or watching volleyball compilations online.