Between the Text
By Rachel Kelly & Lauren Kiel

In this short film, Adelaide is faced with Amelia and Charlotte who both want Adelaide to help them with their problems.
My mentor and I spent a lot of time brainstorming what the conflict could be and how we could introduce new characters, perfecting the script. Then I started filming my own parts, and set up Zoom calls to record my friends. There was some difficulty with lighting because I wanted to use dramatic lighting in this film to represent the emotions. Then I took the footage and started editing and putting special effects. The trickiest part was putting together the scene with Amelia and Charlotte talking to Adelaide in her dream because I had to configure the three scenes together. After putting the film together I used Procreate and Ibis Paint to make credits. I used Ibis Paint to draw the portraits of my friends (solely because I had not gotten Procreate yet) and used Procreate to animate the credits.

Rachel Kelly
Rachel Kelly is a sophomore in high school who loves writing and film. She started a YouTube channel where she likes to show her short films. She also enjoys photography, bullet journaling and ice skating.

Lauren Kiel
This is Lauren Kiel’s third year as a mentor with Girls Write Now. She works at Bloomberg Media, where she is general manager for Bloomberg Green, an editorial brand focused on climate news and analysis. Lauren enjoys reading and caring for her plants, and she looks forward to getting to travel again soon.