Chronicles of Care: Ep 1
By Tatiana Mezitis & Caroline Sydney

Ever wonder how you can be your best possible self in a world that can be so stressful and hectic? Look no further. “Chronicles of Care” is a comprehensive, entertaining podcast filled with helpful tips for budgeting, looking good, and feeling great. Join Caroline Sydney and Tatiana Mezitis as they walk you through recipes, life hacks, and insider advice.
When brainstorming ideas for our podcast, Caroline and I realized we both share a love for self-help podcasts. They are fun to listen to on the way to work, when running errands, and even when relaxing. And thus, “Chronicles of Care” was born! We recorded our pilot episode using Anchor, a comprehensive app that made the process so much easier. As we recorded a quick and easy omelette recipe, we knew that this podcast would be helpful for on-the-go girls like us.
Meet the Pair
Tatiana’s Anecdote: From discovering the beauty of Sappho’s writing to giggling in the Girls Write Now kitchen while we cooked eggs and recorded our podcast, Caroline and I have made nothing but good memories this past year. Her ability to patiently read through my writing and provide honest, helpful feedback never fails to inspire me, and I feel that I’ve grown to be a better writer because of her. I’m looking forward to continuing our exploration of the writing world during the next few months.
Caroline’s Anecdote: That first day at the New York Historical Society, Tatiana and I were handed folders with portraits of Sappho on the cover, and I immediately knew we would have to spend time together with her work. A few weeks later, huddled over a copy of Anne Carson’s If Not, Winter at a table in a buzzing coffee shop, we read a selection of the more complete poems. But the fragmentary pieces pushed us toward conjecture. To reanimate/reclaim/reinterpret Sappho’s place in history, we recast her lines into poems of our own. In this way, we could enter her story while she became a part of ours.

Tatiana Mezitis
Tatiana Mezitis is a class of 2020 Girls Write Now mentee based in New York, NY.