By Serena Yang

“Her” tells multigenerational female narratives from real young women who shared their thoughts and experiences with me. They talk about their mothers, themselves, their fears, regrets, and hopes. I created a found language audio poem using their interviews to combine their voices and express a piece of what it’s like to be seventeen/eighteen and a young woman navigating changing relationships.
I remembered seeing an audio spoken word memorial for Hurricane Katrina before and I wanted to use a similar medium. I used Hokusai, Hindenburg, Audacity, and a little iMovie and Canva. I’d never done any audio editing before, so I had to pick up a lot of new skills. It was surprisingly challenging to make cuts that both made sense narratively and sounded clean. Overall it was a really rewarding experience and I feel happy that I’ve picked up a new, valuable skill I can use to express myself.