By Claire Yu

This piece is inspired by my love for dance and my team. It is a reflection on the moments from dance I find myself thinking about and the reasons for my passion for it.
1. Moments of Dimensions Chemistry Tension in the air, tension in your arms and legs and between your fingers and behind your eyes The space between our bodies is sacred when we move we press against that bubble I can feel your heartbeat echoing in waves We stretch out the rhythms between us elastic Your push and my pull balance catch me if I fall Music so loud you can feel the vibrations in the floor or is that your heart beating, the blood pulsing through your veins in rhythms you feel so deeply has it been a part of you all along? Staccato breaths we crescendo         Let your soul, elated, rise The weight of your shadow draped heavy around my shoulders         Your gravity holds me to this world 2. Moments like this When you close your eyes and feel the presence of the people around you Happy in that moment Happy to exist To be there, and alive, and breathing The look in your eyes that one time Your heartstrings reaching out Wrapping around mine, the intensity Of my passion meeting yours And since that wordless moment there is something  more between us, something not tangible, but less empty, something more inside my chest when I meet your eyes 3. Moments when we celebrate the beauty the harmony of intertwining limbs the passion for movement our passion for each other energy we pass to one another without ever touching The amalgam of you and me Who says you can’t find beautiful things in tragedy? The hope still blossoming in your breast after the sky falls down The brightness of the sun when the world comes to an end This is when we dance, spinning so fast to match the dizzying pace of our lives claiming significance to every cadence, every note, every bass, every beat — every heartbeat every life every breath

Claire Yu
Claire Yu is a junior from Queens who attends high school in Manhattan, NY. She enjoys writing poetry and memoirs, dancing and playing the flute. She has won regional and national awards at the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards.