maybe you know
By Gabi Palermo
My piece is about meeting my half brother who does not know that I exist. I created this piece after writing my college essay about the other half of my family that I know nothing about.
Maybe you know about me, maybe you don’t Have you ever wondered about me? What I look like, What I care about How I’m doing? Standing in the back of this dark venue, Watching you perform I don’t know how to feel about you I hate that I know about you. Knowing about you just hurts me even more It hurts me to see that you’re actually talented If you were a loser maybe I wouldn’t have this desire to meet you On stage, you’re rapping about all of the pain you have gone through Maybe we can find comfort in each other’s traumas. Lights reflect off of my eyes and all I can see is you You look so much like your dad I don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing I can tell so badly that you want to be a musician I can tell that you hate your job just by how much passion you have on stage The concert ends and I’m left in the dark What do I do now? What’s the point of going up to you? How will you react? This isn’t good for my anxiety I’m just making things worse My palms, sweaty and shaky I go up to you to congratulate you on your performance In the back of my mind all I’m thinking is, Why are you lying? You’ve been erased for so long and it’s not fair to do this to yourself anymore. He deserves to know who you are Without even thinking I just blurt out I’m your sister.

Gabi Palermo
Gabi Palermo is a class of 2020 Girls Write Now mentee based in New York, NY.