Out of Context family

This work talks about a young person who has recently come to a very chilling realization, but you as a reader won’t know what it it until the very end.
- I slept for an extraordinarily long time and was eventually nudged by a librarian, who told me it was time for me to leave, the library was closing.
- Packing my bags and heading out the door, I felt the familiar sense of dread fill me once more.
- I feel eyes watching me as I scurry on home, I miss my real family but now I’m all alone.
- My uncle Ben grills me as soon as I walk in the door, “Why’re ya going to the library so early, what’ere ya lookin’ for?”
- Shaking as his evil eye haunts me, my nerves flow through the roof as my lies taunt me.
- “Just studying for a test, nothing else for me to see” But my soul is urging me to screech and sob, “YOU DID THIS TO ME!”
- He nods his head and goes back to sleep while I lay down on my ratted mattress and sheets, shaking and shivering while my answer drove me to insanity.
- I can’t believe he killed my family.
I was on a meeting with my mentor when she introduced a new way to write using a random prompt. One of us grabbed a book, flipped to the 8th page and read the 8th line. That sentence now became our prompt/starting sentence and we had to come up with a story in 8th lines.
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Stargirl is someone who wants to express themself and connect with other through their work.