The King of Hearts
By Mahjazee Ruiz
The King of Hearts is random from a deck of cards where truly the title is meaningless but the poem somehow makes it seem relevant.
The depth Of my breath The throbbing Of my head To think of a problem One once said Heat through my body A tightly closed mind Calmness and peace Too difficult to find A shaking leg A pounding heart Racing fingers Can’t stop Just start From white To purple From purple To blue Current situations I cannot undo Pressure, a boulder Thoughts, a drum A challenge, a climb A war I’ve won.
I really had no process I just have anxiety so I wrote this whilst having anxiety. But this poem was a way to help me overcome what I was feeling thus making it true art in a raw moment.

Mahjazee Ruiz
MJ's writing style is rhythmic and riddle-like. She has worked on poetry, flash fiction, and short stories. In her free time, she enjoys dancing, singing, playing the piano, watching anime, and taking naps. Outside of work and school, you can also find her listening to unhealthy loads of music to the point where her AirPods need a break. She aspires to be a dancer and surgeon. MJ's author photo was created by Nudekay (@nudekayy).