Inside Look with Claire McLaughlin & Willow Locke

Claire interviews Willow, who wrote a piece on racism and discrimination in the criminal justice system. In it, she talked to Peter, who was incarcerated in New York State from age 20 to 30, and questions whether our prison system is effective.
For her written solo piece, Willow interviewed a formerly incarcerated person and through the information she learned, Claire asked further questions about her interview experience through our podcast “An Inside Look.” It was rewarding to build off the work Willow did in her solo piece for our pair piece, and to explore another medium and way of talking about these topics.

Willow Edidin Locke
Willow Locke is a sophomore in high school currently living in Brooklyn, New York. Her passion for writing developed when she got a journal for her 7th birthday, and she now journals every day. Willow's interest in social justice has been a constant during her childhood and adolescent years. As for her hopes for the future, Willow plans on going to law school and becoming an investigator for abused children

Claire McLaughlin
Claire McLaughlin is a book publicist living in Brooklyn. Originally from Wisconsin, she now enjoys biking around New York and baking, reading and reviewing books in her free time.