Take a break
By Savannah Milton

I wrote this poem after my sister told me to take a break before I cheat on my wife like Alexander Hamilton while I was stressed during an exam period.
They say to take a break Before I cheat on my wife Like Hamilton did Eliza I won’t cheat on my wife I don’t even have one I’m not Alexander Hamilton The resemblance lies in our ethic Nothing more But maybe it’s a lesson to me To let things lay where they be To not overwork Or strive so high For perfection Yes have goals, yes reach far But don’t overextend yourself over a star
“Take a Break” is actually one of my favorite Hamilton songs, so when my sister said it I thought it was a funny comparison. Later on that day I listened to the song and started writing the poem. I know that I can be a workaholic and one of the things I took away from Hamilton was to enjoy the present. Hamilton’s nonstop drive caused him to miss out on the things around him, like his family. It was a lesson to me to slow down a bit and take things a day at a time to appreciate what I have around me.

Savannah Milton
Savannah Milton is a student at Queens College obsessed with and pursuing a history-related degree. Thus, she loves a good historical story. She’s also a lover of fantasy and science fiction, which are her favorite genres to write. When she’s not writing, you can find her nose in a book or a pen in her hand, drawing.