Two Sides
By Sheyla Javier

My inspiration for this piece came after having a deep conversation with someone I trust. I came to the realization that there are two different sides to everyone—including myself.
They say there are two sides to every story The same goes for yourself You have the side that everyone Sees, knows, and perceives The mask you unconsciously wear The walls you hide behind That cause you to Hold your breath and bite your tongue You have moments where you Laugh with tears in your eyes You’re distracted Psyched out Your smile comes off so genuine Yet you feel like it’s forced Even if it’s just for a second You also have the side that only you See, know, and understand The side that is Completely unfiltered, raw, and real You have Flaws, insecurities, habits, quirks You can’t seem to get rid of But you stand up to them like a Gust of wind At full force In the middle of fall Yet the bar is set so high Expectations seem out of reach The weight Pressing down on you This is the side that has you Wrapped around its finger Constantly lurking in the back of your mind One second you seem to be Soaring way above the clouds The next Underwater gasping for air Your inner voice Constantly torn between the two sides Your conscious says it’s okay to be Double-sided.

Sheyla Javier
Sheyla Javier is a freshman in college. She’s a reader, writer and runner who wants to be like Rupi Kaur when she grows up.