Reflections on the world around me.
Weeping Wisteria
All will wither eventually; enjoy it while it lasts instead.
The thoughts of a student on a rainy day.
Always a Bird to Me
In this whimsical and melancholic poem, sisterhood and coming of age are illustrated in the metaphor of flight.
orange chicken
Allow the symphonic undertones of the poem to draw you into the emotions of an intimate dinner party. How do we exist in spaces we feel driven from?
Cumin Seeds
A piece about the struggles of self-love and believing that you are enough for your culture.
The Card Built Tower
The Tower card in tarot marks the end. Through destruction and downfall, the card is not one to be overlooked. So, what does it mean when Vidia draws it for all her clients, even herself?
Perfect Day
A short story about the separation from my best friends.
Reflections On A Semester Abroad in Copenhagen
This piece offers reflections on my semester abroad in Copenhagen, highlighting the class that changed how I think about everything and how it will continue to impact me.
Words of Affirmation
This is the backstory of why I created my project, One Letter 4 All, with the Lead360 learning journey.
What is the difference between a house and a home?
Siri, Are we Friends?
The creation of Intelligent Personal Assistants marks a new era of human-machine interaction that will influence technology, human communication patterns, and social development. This piece offers insight to the new connections formed with voice assistant.
Another Door Opens
Marah’s double life is interrupted, forcing her to come to terms with finally stepping out of her comfort zone and living life for herself.
When One Door Closes…
Marah lives a double life; she hasn’t told teachers friends or family about quitting teaching: afraid of letting them down. She struggles with the idea of starting over and stepping out of her comfort zone.
Bus Stop
An excerpt of a normal NYC commute that explores the riders’ histories through their transient time on the bus.